All images, illustrations & flash animation are copyrighted to Deya Marzouk, unless stated otherwise. Copy is prohibited without written permission. Innovative techniques mentioned in this web site were all devised by Deya Marzouk. Please Credit Deya Marzouk if any material is copied from here (with prior permission only)




Some pages are still under construction. Please explore the rest of the site. It has some very interesting surgical content. The site is continuously updated (when I have the time). New pages or changes to existing pages will be listed. Please check the bottom link for these updates under first selection in the menu (Deya Marzouk).


Why another web site?

The aim of this web site is to be an up to date source of my surgical practice (mainly Colorectal and laparoscopic). It also include some of the operative techniques that I developed and some of the clinical research I have done over the years.

I hope that it will be useful to patients, informative to general practitioners & educational to young trainee surgeons.

You may also access my parallel personal site which contains a collection of interesting (for me) photos of Heliopolis and cairo in the past, old photos of my family, photos of cars, planes & scenery.


Cover of Cancer Care Appeal. All proceedings went to the Viking Day Unit, QEQM Hospital, Margate.

Navigation of this site

Please navigate via the drop menu at the top. The mouse will normally change into a hand symbol & the selected item will change colour. Click the left mouse button to navigate to the relevant page.

New (updated) on the site

Click here for what has been updated on the site.

Obstructed defaecation Web








Deya Marzouk, Consultant Surgeonscalpel pix